Visiting Down Under
So there's only one more day until we fly out to Oz - a trip for 6 weeks - haven't been back for three years. We are very excited here and frantically trying to get everything organised before we go. The boys can't wait to get to this legendary land that they hear about all the time that neither of them can remember. They are also looking forward to meeting all the kids we keep telling them about - and animals, beaches, theme parks, etc! Jem and I are also looking forward to it. We are wondering if anything will have changed - people here (Aussies) have been telling us that we will be shocked by how expensive everything is in Australia, although I don't think anything like that could shock us, considering we are currently living in a country which clocked 16.7 percent inflation last month!!! Now THAT is shocking. Jem suspects that the EASE of life in Australia will seem very alluring - a part of that never-ending equation we are pondering, regarding the advantages of life in both countries. The HEAT and SUNLIGHT is certainly something we are pining for, and seeing old friends, and having friendly strangers in the street and museums geared for inquisitive children, meat pies and sausage rolls, Milo, takeaway chinese, garage sales, bare feet, mangoes, frangipani flowers , passionfruit and thunder storms. Hopefully we get to enjoy all or at least some of these when we are back. So for those of you in Oz - see you soon (if we survive the flight)! And those of you in LV - see you when we get back!!!
PS. i wrote this a few days ago but forgot to post it - we have now arrived in Melbourne in one piece, very jetlagged, shall post again soon with pics of the great sunburned land
Hey! I thought this was not posted before you left! ;) I check everyday...can't get anything past me! :)
Glad you got there in one piece (how many movies did the boys watch on the way over?), and that you are having a good time now! Can't wait to see pics! (and to get there myself!)
thanks for your comment, as always.